[Paper] Word formation processes in the Cyberpunk tabletop role-playing game franchise
The paper English word formation processes in the Cyberpunk tabletop role-playing game franchise: A quantitative analysis by Raoul Schubert is available in open access from languageatplay.de.
This paper examines the creation of the Cyberpunk tabletop RPG’s streetslang jargon. The study aims to understand English word formation processes involved in its creation. The paper outlines the different types of word formation processes including non-morphemic and morphemic, as well as lexeme origins that do not involve word formation processes such as semantic change and borrowing. The paper focuses on answering questions about the processes involved, whether a dominant process can be observed, and whether morphemic or non-morphemic word formation is more prevalent among the neologisms used in the franchise.
About the Author:
Raoul Schubert (*1994) studies linguistics at Paderborn University. With a background in radiography and foreign language teaching he is among other areas concerned with the fields of socio- and ludolinguistics.
Download: English word formation processes in the Cyberpunk tabletop role-playing game franchise: A quantitative analysis [PDF]