An Interview on Ludomusicology: The Language of Music in Dark Souls

Pascal Marc Wagner

Pascal Marc Wagner hat einen B.A. in Anglistik und Rechtswissenschaften sowie einen M.A. in kultureller und kognitiver Linguistik. Er ist Gründer des Game Studies- und Wissenschaftskommunikationsblogs und Chefredakteur des Printmagazins für Videospielkultur GAIN – Games Inside. Er ist viel zu oft auf Twitter unterwegs und besitzt auch eine E-Mail-Adresse (pascal[at]indieflock[dot]net).

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2 Antworten

  1. The Society for the Study of Sound and Music in Games has a browsable bibliography of ludomusicology-related books under, for those that are interested.
    Melanie Y. Fritsch (@myfritsch on Twitter) was kind enough to show me some books that are viable for beginners:

    “Kamp, Summers & Sweeney: Ludomusicology:Approaches to Video Game Music ( and Austin: Music Video Games: Performance, Politics, and Play ( or Gibbons & Lerner: Music In Video Games ( for a start. Then there is Summers: Understanding Video Game Music ( or Cheng: Sound Play: Video Games and the Musical Imagination ( and Miller: Playing Along: Digital Games, YouTube, and Virtual Performance ( Moormann’s (Ed.) anthology Music and Game: Perspectives on a Popular Alliance ( as well. I can also highly recommend the music-chapter of Strötgen: Markenmusik (German) ( Also, there is my own forthcoming book as well!

    For a very basic understanding, i.e. as a total layman, Karen Collins latest book Playing Sound gives a nice overview about game music beyond games: Tim Summers’ book is a nice introductory monograph, and also helpful for non-musicologists. The books by Cheng and Miller are written from a more ethnomusicological point of view, is that is you fancy. I also provide a little introductory overview on the literature in my chapter in this forthcoming book about Game Studies in general: Beil (Ed.): Game Studies (German) ( It all depends on what you are interested in!”

    Composer Pau Damià Riera also linked the eLearning course “Game Design and Development: A Bit-by-Bit History of Video Game Music” (, which is free to join.

  1. 15. November 2024

    […] heavy, rhythmic pounding during the Abyss Watchers battle mirrors their relentless aggression. This interplay between music and gameplay creates a truly immersive and unforgettable experience. It’s not just about hearing the […]

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